It was the Saari show for Malaysia as the Saari brothers, Faizal and Mohd Fitri led Malaysia to 5-1 win over debutants, Poland at the opening day of the 28th […]
Young pair oozing confidence ahead of Malaysia Open 2019 KUALA LUMPUR (21 March 2019): After their impressive run to reach the 2019 All England final, it is evident that young […]
KUALA LUMPUR (18 MAC 2019) : Dua pemain muda, Muhammad Arif Syafie Ishak dan Muhammad Azrai Aizad Abu Kamal berjaya untuk memastikan tempat mereka dalam senarai 18 pemain yang menggalas […]
The free two-day fan experience will see the creation of an LFC World Hub at One Utama Centre Court in Kuala Lumpur from 20 – 21 April 2019 and will […]
KUALA KANGSAR (4 Mac 2019): SEKOLAH Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor (SEMASHUR) made history when they ripped the form guide to shreds and outplayed hosts MCKK 24-10 to win their first […]
KUALA LUMPUR (5 MAC 2019) : Setelah berakhirnya TNB Liga Hoki Malaysia 2019 pada 2 Mac lalu, seramai 28 pemain telah dikenalpasti oleh Ketua Jurulatih Kebangsaan, Roelant Oltmans untuk menyertai […]
Wins maiden title after overcoming hosts, MCKK All Blacks in a pulsating final KUALA KANGSAR (3 MARCH 2019): Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor (SEMASHUR) created history at the MCKK Premier […]
KUALA LUMPUR (2 MAC 2019) : Pasukan Hoki Terengganu (THT) berjaya merampas kembali kejuaraan Piala TNB 2019 selepas menundukkan seteru mereka Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) 2-1 pada perlawanan akhir yang […]
KUALA KANGSAR (2 March 2019): Hailing from Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, almost 6000 km away from Kuala Kangsar, Shizuoka Seiko Academy (SSA) are enjoying every single minute of their adventure at […]
Comfortable 36-0 win over SCKK puts them in good stead for other challenges ahead KUALA KANGSAR (1 MARCH 2019): In a display of speed and power, hosts Malay College Kuala […]
It was the Saari show for Malaysia as the Saari brothers, Faizal and Mohd Fitri led Malaysia to 5-1 win over debutants, Poland at the opening day of the 28th […]
Young pair oozing confidence ahead of Malaysia Open 2019 KUALA LUMPUR (21 March 2019): After their impressive run to reach the 2019 All England final, it is evident that young […]
KUALA LUMPUR (18 MAC 2019) : Dua pemain muda, Muhammad Arif Syafie Ishak dan Muhammad Azrai Aizad Abu Kamal berjaya untuk memastikan tempat mereka dalam senarai 18 pemain yang menggalas […]
The free two-day fan experience will see the creation of an LFC World Hub at One Utama Centre Court in Kuala Lumpur from 20 – 21 April 2019 and will […]
KUALA KANGSAR (4 Mac 2019): SEKOLAH Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor (SEMASHUR) made history when they ripped the form guide to shreds and outplayed hosts MCKK 24-10 to win their first […]
KUALA LUMPUR (5 MAC 2019) : Setelah berakhirnya TNB Liga Hoki Malaysia 2019 pada 2 Mac lalu, seramai 28 pemain telah dikenalpasti oleh Ketua Jurulatih Kebangsaan, Roelant Oltmans untuk menyertai […]
Wins maiden title after overcoming hosts, MCKK All Blacks in a pulsating final KUALA KANGSAR (3 MARCH 2019): Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor (SEMASHUR) created history at the MCKK Premier […]
KUALA LUMPUR (2 MAC 2019) : Pasukan Hoki Terengganu (THT) berjaya merampas kembali kejuaraan Piala TNB 2019 selepas menundukkan seteru mereka Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) 2-1 pada perlawanan akhir yang […]
KUALA KANGSAR (2 March 2019): Hailing from Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, almost 6000 km away from Kuala Kangsar, Shizuoka Seiko Academy (SSA) are enjoying every single minute of their adventure at […]
Comfortable 36-0 win over SCKK puts them in good stead for other challenges ahead KUALA KANGSAR (1 MARCH 2019): In a display of speed and power, hosts Malay College Kuala […]